The election is getting close, here is the federalist towards the elections. And here you can find all the materials prepared by JEF Europe to help prepare the activities.
Local public consultations
Ten Local Public Consultations (LPC) will be organized in ten different cities, on topics of concern to young people all over Europe. Candidates to the 2014 EP elections, local and European policy makers and representatives of organized youth as well as unorganized young people are invited to participate. The LPCs aim at encouraging dialogue between citizens and European policy makers and thus minimizing the “gap” between the European Union and its citizens.
See the full list and the dates.
Pan European Actions
JEF is organising four Pan European Actions where all of our 37 members sections and partners are invited to raise awareness on various topics towards the election. You can read about the different actions here:
Vote for a better Europe
Democracy is under pressure
Vote for a sustainable future
Time to vote for a Federation?
Debate nights
Celebrating a real federalist victory in the campaign of the European Elections. For the first time in European history there will be debates between the candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission. On the 28th of April and on the 15th of May the debates will take place.
We urge our members, friends and member sections to organise debate watching events in local cafés, pubs or even in peoples homes.
Election night
On the 25th of May, the day the results of the elections are released we will organise election wake nights all over Europe. To create a European atmosphere we will connect all our events together through storify and video feeds.
Bus tour
Three weeks prior to the elections, ten young Europeans will join the MovEurope bus tour touching down in ten European cities. In each city a number of public events and activities involving young people will be run. Candidates to the EP elections, local and European policy makers will interact with young European citizens. Check the blog for live updates on the bus tour.
1000 informative events
The 1000 informative events is the sum of all election information events JEF Europe is organising throughout the continent. All events from Norway to Azerbaijan is a part of the MovEurope2014! project.
Students of all ages and nationalities are offered a platform to discuss the importance of political engagement in Europe. The functioning and relevance of the European Parliament will be highlighted, being the only European Institution directly elected by the European citizens