As a part of the MovEurope project JEF Maastricht and JEF Netherlands organised a post debate meeting with Ska Keller, Green candidate to the Commission Presidency and a young Member of the European Parliament after the first ever Presidential debate to the European Commission. The event took place on the 28th of April. More than eighty people showed up to listen to her views and discuss the future of Europe.
Some of the young participants in the seminar asked Keller to give her opinion on the human rights situation when returning asylum seekers to the country of entrance according to the Dublin III regulation. As the ECHR released several judgments that, for instance Greece, is not a safe country to return to anymore and asylum seekers haven’t their rights protected. Keller regretted that the Council blocked a suspension clause which the European Parliament tried to push forward. Especially Germany and the Scandinavian countries feared that this clause would forced them to take too many asylum seekers.
The young green candidate said she would work for a better asylum and migration policy in the future. The next event on Migration will be a seminar on Migration at the University of Maastricht on 30th April.